Support Services
Personalized Case Management (Non-Medical)
Our case managers work with clients to understand and get access to services they are eligible for and to help them take control of certain aspects of their lives. Case managers provide direction on things such as assistance with paperwork and connections to medical, dental, and mental health providers. Case managers also provide information regarding housing, legal referrals, food resources, wellness programs, emotional support, education, medication, clinical trials, and statewide service organizations.
Oral Health Care Services
This program provides access to dental insurance for individuals who do not currently have it. In partnership with Delta Dental, APRI clients are enrolled in an insurance plan that covers teeth cleanings and allows for a maximum annual coverage for pre-approved dental services of $1,250. Medically necessary exceptions that exceed this amount are considered on a case-by-case basis. All payments are made directly to the provider on behalf of the client.
Emergency Financial Assistance Program
Clients may be eligible to receive financial assistance for a variety of needs, including medical costs, rent, heat, and other utility expenses. Verification of income and expenses, along with completion of an Emergency Financial Assistance application is necessary. Clients must apply for funding. All payments are made by APRI directly to the landlord or service provider, as appropriate.
Bus Passes & RIDE Tickets
Limited supplies of RIPTA bus passes and RIDE tickets are available for persons in need of transportation to medical visits. Clients who are able to obtain their own transportation are not eligible. Clients who are disabled are encouraged to apply for bus passes through RIPTA directly, or we can assist you in applying.
Mental Health & Substance Use Counseling Services (Outpatient)
Clients can receive counseling by providers who specialize in HIV, relationships, substance use/abuse, and other issues. Services are provided to individuals regardless of insurance status. (Counseling services are also available for HIV-negative individuals. Please contact us to discuss and set up an appointment.)
Afia Center for Health & Wellness
APRI is proud to offer of a variety of services through our Afia Center for Health & Wellness in Providence. Afia is a food pantry that also includes access to personal care items. Staff also organize outings and group activities; and much more. New members must meet with APRI’s program coordinator to determine eligibility for services. There is no fee associated with the services offered through the Afia Center.
Nutritional Support
Clients who have a statement or evaluation from their medical provider indicating the need of a nutritional supplement are provided cases of Ensure Plus or Glucerna. Clients who have health insurance are eligible for this program if they can show written proof that they cannot get nutritional supplements from their own pharmacy. APRI’s licensed dietitian provides counseling for a client who is prescribed nutritional supplements.
ADAP Enrollment & Medication Management
We can assist clients in filling out and submitting paperwork for the state’s AIDS Drug Assistance Program, which guarantees access to HIV and other necessary medications. In addition, APRI offers services from a registered provider who can discuss medications with clients as needed.
Housing Advocacy
Stable housing is a crucial part of maintaining one’s overall health. We work with clients who are homeless, housing unstable, or who are seeking a change to their housing situation to apply for assistance, search for different housing options, and more.
Vaccination Clinic Partnership
We have partnered with the Rhode Island Department of Health to have Mpox vaccines available to anyone interested! Click here, for general Mpox information and vaccine availability.
HIV/STI Testing
We are proud to offer free HIV and hepatitis C testing through our “Take Charge, Get Tested!” program and to help individuals learn their HIV status in a safe, comfortable, and private environment. Our qualified professional testing counselors provide free, confidential, walk-in rapid testing on:
Wednesday: 5 p.m.-7 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Please contact our Testing and Prevention Coordinator, James Barker at (401) 677-9403 or via to make an appointment to be tested. Our office is located at 55 Hope St., Providence, RI, 02906 (just off Wickenden Street).
See a calendar of where we’ll be offering testing.
The rapid HIV and hepatitis C tests provide results in approximately 20 minutes. All tests are done with a simple finger prick that collects a drop of blood. (An oral swab test may be available. If you elect to use an oral swab test, it is recommended you do not eat, brush your teeth, or floss for 30 minutes prior to the test.)
We understand some people feel nervous about getting tested or have questions they’d like answered ahead of time. Our staff is happy to assist, answer questions, and our goal is to help everyone—regardless of their race/ethnicity, sex, age, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation—feel welcome and comfortable getting tested.
Health Education & Public Speaking
Our staff regularly speaks in communities around the state on a variety of topics, including HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), sexual health, LGBTQ+ issues, health equity and social determinants of health, HIV/AIDS advocacy, substance use, PrEP, and much more.
We understand that these are topics about which many people, no matter what their age, have many questions or concerns. We aim to make educational speaking and presentations engaging, interactive, informative, and helpful.
We believe that providing people with facts in a frank, straightforward manner empowers them in making decisions that positively affect their overall health.
If you are interested in having APRI staff members speak with a class, group, or in another setting, please contact APRI Director, David Martins at 401-616-0490 or via
Free Condoms
We offer free condoms and other safer sex supplies by appointment in Providence.
Condoms are important tools in preventing HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In fact, condoms can reduce HIV/STI transmission rates by more than 80% when used correctly!
In addition, the Rhode Island Department of Health has created a free condom map that shows you where you can pick up free condoms throughout the state.
Let’s talk about PrEP and PEP and stop HIV!
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) can be pills or shots that dramatically reduce your chances of getting HIV through sex or injection drug use. PrEP can help you stay free from HIV. It is important to talk to a healthcare professional to determine if PrEP is right for you. PrEP Champions are Rhode Island clinics that specialize in offering sexual health services and make it easy to obtain PrEP, but you can also ask your primary care provider about PrEP.
APRI can make referrals for PrEP for anyone who is interested in meeting with a medical provider. We also provide information about PrEP when we do HIV/STI testing.
PEP stands for “post-exposure prophylaxis” and is for HIV-negative individuals who have been or may have been exposed to HIV and who are not on PrEP. It is an emergency medicine that must be started within 72 hours of exposure to prevent HIV transmission. It is usually a combination of HIV medications that need to be taken orally for about four weeks. If you think you need PEP, you can contact your medical provider or go to nearest emergency room. We are happy to help refer you to a provider as well, and are available Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at 401-831-5522. (If it is a weekend, please go to an ER or urgent care facility if you believe you’ve been exposed to HIV.)
The Scene RI
Become a Client
If you are living with HIV and interested in becoming an APRI client, get in touch with us! Simply call us at 401-831-5522 and ask to speak with our Program Coordinator. Potential clients must complete the intake process through Family Service of Rhode Island. The Intake team can be reached directly by calling 401-331-1350, ext. 2280.